Revised Dec. 1996
Section I: Requirements
A. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, hold a valid driver's license and show a minimum P.L. and P.D. insurance coverage on his or her licensed car. Minors may not become a member without parent's (one) consent in written form.
B. After applicant has attended one meeting he is then eligible for acceptance by the club.
C. When an applicant becomes eligible for membership, the Membership Committee will present his application to the Board of Directors. Acceptance of the applicant as a member requires a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Acceptance - or refusal - to membership in the Club does not require a vote of the general members, but the action of the Board may be questioned and subjected to the majority vote of the general members if any member so desires. In such case that the vote of the general members over-rides the decision of the Board, the decision of that vote takes precedence over the Board's previous decision.
D. When action has been taken by the Board on the application for
membership, the decision of the Board will be announced at the next regular
Club meeting, by the president (or presiding officer,) who must also announce
the privilege of the members to contest the Board's decision.
Section II: Behavior of Members
Each member is expected to work towards the betterment of the club.
All members must conduct themselves in a respectable and orderly fashion whether in or out of Club activities. Any member disgracing himself in the public eye will be immediately subject to expulsion from the Club, subject to decision by the Board of Directors. It is to be clearly understood that the club will not tolerate any drunken or reckless driving, or any other discrediting actions from it's membership.
Section III: Honorary Members
An honorary membership without voting power, may be granted by proposal to the Board of Directors and acceptance by the general membership of those persons who have earned the Club's recognition and appreciation.
Section IV: Associate Members
Associate Memberships with no voting power, are available to those applicants who meet all the requirements for membership and must be at least 16 years of age.
Section V: Limited Membership
The membership fee shall include both man and wife. Associate memberships shall at no time exceed one third of the total membership.
Initiation fees and annual dues shall be established by the Board prior to the regular business meeting in November and shall be ratified by the membership at the November meeting.
Dues are payable on or before the regular meeting in December and are delinquent December 31st.
On admission of a new member to the Club, his or her dues are payable as of that date. The membership committee will inform the Treasurer of the admission of the new member, and the Treasurer will present a bill to that member, also informing him or her of the date of delinquency. No membership card will be issued until dues are paid. Dues will be pro-rated quarterly for new members only.
Any delinquent member will lose his right to vote. Membership fee
includes both husband and wife and allows either or both of them to vote.
Section I: Officers
Officers of the Club shall consist of and be elected in the following order: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a minimum of two (2) Board members, making a minimum of six (6) members on the Board of Directors, each with one vote. one alternate board member shall be elected, to substitute for a Board member.
Section II: Removal From Office
Board members are expected to attend the monthly meetings, and are subject to replacement if they miss two (2) consecutive meetings without good reason. If they cannot attend a meeting they should contact an Alternate member to ensure that a proper number of members will be present.
Any officer may be removed from office either with or without cause, subject to decision by the Board of Directors and general membership. The vacancy made thereby may be filled in the usual manner prescribed for the office.
Section III: Nominations and Elections
Nominations and elections of all officers shall be held annually between the first and fifteenth day of December of each year. An election will be carried by a simple majority of members present. All members must be notified a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to any election. All elections will be held by secret ballot.
Proxy votes may be cast subject to approval by the Board of Directors present at the election meeting.
Section I: President and Vice President
The candidates for the office of President and Vice President must have been a FULL member in good standing for twelve (12) months before the offices are vacated.
Section II: Secretary and Treasurer
The candidates for the office of Secretary and Treasurer must have been FULL members in good standing for at least six (6) months before the offices are vacated. The candidate for Treasurer must be bondable by the club.
Section III: Board of Directors
The candidates for the Board of Directors must have been active FULL members in good standing for not less than six (6) months before those offices are vacated.
Section IV: Waiver of Qualifications
The above tenure requirements for each office may be waived by two-thirds of the majority of the members present at the election meeting.
Section I: Conduct
All events must be conducted in an orderly manner and with safety as the most important factor. Any event held on private property will be subject to liability releases. To participate in any speed event a person must be at least 18 years of age and hold a valid drivers license. Minors, 16 years or above, may participate with written consent of parents.
Section II: General
All events determined by the Board of Directors to be hazardous shall be under the direct authority, supervision and control of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may determine entrance classifications and regulations for various events and shall approve the presenting and awarding of trophies and awards. Anyone determined to be physically or mentally disturbed at the time of an event shall be disqualified. Cars may be subject to technical inspection varying according to the type of event and shall be disqualified if found to be mechanically unsafe.
Section I: Club Meetings
Meetings will be at least once a month and conducted in an orderly manner according to parliamentary procedure and in accordance with these By Laws. The President may appoint a Sargent-At-Arms at each meeting to help maintain order.
Section II: Entrance Fees
Entrance fees may be charged for all events for the purpose of defraying expenses of awards, insurance, etc.
Section III: Club Checks and Expenditures
All checks will require the signature of the Treasurer and President or Secretary. No check shall be authorized beyond the resources of the treasury. Expenditures under fifty (50) dollars may be paid forthwith, but only after authorization of such expenditure by the President (or in the absence of the President, the Vice President) and is subject to subsequent approval by the Board of Directors. Expenditures over fifty (50) dollars shall be approved by a vote of the Board of Directors.
Section IV: Amendment of By-Laws
These By-Laws may be amended at a regular meeting by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the voting members present. All members must be notified that a by-law amendment is proposed at least fifteen (15) days prior to the election.
Section V: Activities Committee
The President may appoint an Activities Chairman to serve for a period of six (6) months. The Chairman has the power to appoint an activities committee and may designate an individual chairman and/or committee for each event.
Section VI: Membership Committee
The President shall appoint a Chairman for the membership Committee, each year. That Chairman will then appoint his committee members. The duties of the committee will be as follows:
A. Obtain all applications for membership, review same, and transfer to the Board of Directors all applications which are due for consideration for membership to the Club.
B. Meetings of this committee shall be held as frequently as is deemed necessary by the Chairman of the Committee.
C. All new member applications shall be forwarded to the Chairman by the Secretary of the Club and it will be the responsibility of the Chairman to see that attention is paid to the matter of new members receiving notices of meetings and events (and encouragement to attend same) for a period of one year.
D. This Committee will issue a report at each meeting of the Club
Section VII: Annual Audit
An annual audit of all assets will be made by the newly elected Board of Directors immediately prior to February I of each year.
Section VIII: Financial Statement
A financial statement shall be given at least once each year, and this statement shall be included in the annual audit stated in Section VII above.
Section IX: Other Committees
The president may appoint whatever committees, and/or committee Chairman, as he deems necessary to properly carry out the functions, activities, etc. of the Club.
Section IIX: Property Inventory
The Vice President shall be responsible for knowing the where-abouts of all club equipment, and shall make an annual listing of all equipment.
Note: One copy of these bylaws is supplied to each active RSCC member
as of Dec. 1, 1996.